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Extraordinary edition!

Extraordinary edition!
DownThemAll! on news sites.

What does the press write about us? Read it by yourself...

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We work everyday to provide you the best Download Manager for your browser. To support further development of dTa, we also need your help.

DownThemAll: Latest News

DownThemAll! 1.0, now available. February 29, 2008

Ladies and gentlemen,
the dTa Team is proud to introduce you to DownThemAll! 1.0. This is the best DownThemAll! version ever.

It’s faster, due to an improved chunks management and a better queue book-keeping. It’s more stable, thanks to his new download core and to a smarter error handling. It offers new interesting features, like support of metalink, checksums and LinkFingerprints.

We want to thank every single user: your support, your suggestions, your contributions, your donations and your patience made this possible.

It’s been a long waiting, but we are sure you will enjoy this milestone. In the meanwhile, we’re already working on next version, which you can check out here.

More information here.

1,278,074 people can’t be wrong. February 22, 2008

Dear friends,
we’re happy to inform you that DownThemAll! 1.0 release is very very close to be published.

In the meanwhile, we’ve known from Mozilla that almost 1,300,000 people were using DTA last week. That’s a huge result, and we want to thank you for your choice and your support.

Stay tuned, DTA 1.0 is coming.

Security Statement February 14, 2008

Google flagged our site as a potential cause of malware infection last week.
After a complete check up of the site structure, we’ve found that an attacker had exploited a WordPress vulnerability to inoculate unauthorized code into our theme. This code contained links to a site which tried to install malicious code on visitor’s computer.
As far as we know this malware operates on an old vulnerability of Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition and Windows 2000. Furthermore it is believed that Firefox users weren’t at risk at all. A patch was released in 2005. You can read details here.

This site has been secured, and you can visit it with confidence.

Even though nobody is known to be infected by this software, we apologize with our users and visitors for any trouble we might have caused.